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Bio Save 3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Bologna Italy
The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting was held on April 27 2022 and hosted by the Italian partner - The Bologna University. It was the first physical meeting for the partners and was assessed as a very productive one.
The main purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss the activities, related to the progress of all work packages and each partner has fulfilled its tasks according to the deadlines set in the previous online meetings.
The materials elaborated for the WP5 – BIO-Save Blended Learning Model were presented. Along the presentations, a fruitful discussion was held on the LOs topics and avoidance of putative overlapping of the educational content. The partners have discussed what is needed to finalize the WP 5.
After that, the structure/content of BIO-Save Guide “Green biotech business for young entrepreneurs”
was discussed. The objectives of the guide presented to raise awareness and promote more
and better understanding of environmental risks and the development of green business opportunities,
The main topics that will be tackled in the two parts of the guide: Part I: Green products and bio-
processes overview and Part II: Green products development and business.
The next working packages in the project action plan were discussed and responsibilities and deadlines were agreed upon.
BIO-Save Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy was presented as well as the main results achieved at present regarding the BIO-Save D&E strategy implementation, tools elaborated and activities performed.
Administrative and financial issues were reviewed in order to ensure proper management of the project implementation. The project is run on time and in an excellent manner.
Date: 29.04.2022
Bio Save 3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Bologna Italy