Medicinal plants play a significant role in the life of human beings and are present in innumerable forms. These plants are used as raw materials for medicines, cosmetics, perfumery, as insecticides, and in various industries. Demand for medicinal plants is increasing due to growing recognition of natural products, easily available at affordable prices. Consequently, the need for cultivation of medicinal plants is progressively becoming more and more apparent to satisfy the medicinal, economic, and social needs of people.
For everyone who wants and sees the need of creating Start-Up in medicinal plants sector it is important to understand the meaning of Start-Up and Medicinal Plants. Therefore, those two concepts are described and interrelated stressing on topics like: first business steps, medicinal plants possibilities, skills, preparation, challenges, tools needed, interest of medicinal plants, requirements, costumers, target groups, marketing plan, business model, legislations, internationalization and globalization.

Circular Economy advocates a new economic approach, and small Biotech companies often rely on Bioinformatics for their research. On this basis, the engagement of the company’s staff in education and training in order to update and upgrade their skills is a key issue.
In this book are presented fundamental concepts underlying bioinformatics in different biotech companies, such as:contribution to the advancement of biology research in Biotech SMEs through bioinformatics tools application; provision of advanced bioinformatics training to SMEs personnel at all levels, from technicians to independent investigators; helping for dissemination of cutting-edge technologies to industry; coordination of biological data provision across Europe.

BIOFERTILIZERS towards sustainable agricultural development provides in-depth coverage of all key issues concerning biofertilizers as a low-cost, renewable source of plant nutrients that supplement chemical fertilizers.
This book provides general information about the benefits and impact of biofertilizers on organic farming practices. It describes the different types of biofertilizers, methods utilized for their production and different approaches of applications. In the book are also highlighted constraints in biofertilizer technology, as well as biofertilizers EU policy and potential markets.

The book I Want to Be an Ecologist, intents to provide a better understanding of ecology and environment, the principles associated with the protection of the environment and to present a better perceptive of ecology through architecture, biology, chemistry and engineering concepts.
Ecology is the scientific study of the way that living organisms interact with their environment. It is a multidisciplinary science, mainly focuses on the research of the natural world from many perspectives and employing many techniques.
An understanding of ecological principles is important in order to ensure the survival of the world and human beings. This book can help us foresee the global and regional consequences of competition among humans for the limited global natural resources supporting us.

The creation of waste is as old as mankind, and due to population growth and the increasing consumption of natural resources, nowadays dealing with waste has become a serious problem. Besides household waste, there are lots of other industrial wastes, which since they are not currently recycled, contribute to air, water and soil contamination.
Everybody can contribute to reducing waste problems and this book provides basic knowledge about waste characteristics, including its origin, collection, treatment, environmental impact, etc. In the book is also given background information in terms of scientific knowledge, technical experience, legal regulations, and national examples in general and health care waste treatment.